Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Fatter You Are – The More the Risk of Cancer

Obesity is usually believed by the doctors to be leading to the cardiovascular problems, commonly known as the problems relating to the heart, and secondly towards the problem of diabetes, popularly known as the sugar problem. But so far nobody had thought that the obesity or the fatness of the body could lead you to the problem of your getting cancer.

More the fat you add to your body, the more prone you become to the fatal disease of cancer, says a study conducted under the supervision of distinguished Professor Michael Karin, PhD, Department of Pharmacology, University of California, San Diego (UCSD). The study was conducted on the mice and Prof. Karin deserves the thanks from the core of our hearts for forewarning the people suffering from obesity. The results of the study have been published in the “Cell” journal in its issue of Friday, 22nd January, 2010.

The study reveals that with the excess fat in the body, your body becomes prone to the creation and growth of cancer cells so much so that those who are having excess fat in the liver are 4.5 times more prone to the liver cancer and those who are otherwise having obesity, they are prone to other types of cancer by 1.5 fold. The study further adds that about 90,000 lives could be saved per year, if the obesity is brought under control...

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