Sunday, August 19, 2012

Root Cause Discovered for Obesity, Atherosclerosis; PhenObestin 37.5 Can Help

Researchers from the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology (IMCB) and Singapore Bioimaging Consortium (SBIC) proved that the same gene allowed mice to gain weight and develop atherosclerosis, a progressive disease of the large arteries. Mice that lacked this gene resisted gaining weight or developing atherosclerosis. The groundbreaking research was published in the July 3 issue of Cell Metabolism.

In both obesity and atherosclerosis, lipid droplets accumulate in fat cells. The mice lacking in the crucial gene did not accumulate lipid droplets in their fat cells. The mechanism by which this occurred appeared to be related to the body’s natural autophagy process of degrading undesired cellular components...

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